Devlog day 22: vim motions and struggling with Godot

Some vim motions and struggling with Godot

Evan Lesmez


August 28, 2024


Display line movement

gj # go down one display line useful for line wrapping
gk # go up one display line useful for line wrapping  
g0 # first char of display line
g^ # first nonblank char of display line
g$ # end of display line

word-wise movement

w # forward start of next word
b # backward to start of current or prev word
e # end of current or next word
ge # backward to end of current or prev word

words are smaller than WORDS

w # move word wise (sequenmces seperated by "." " " "," "'" ...)
W # move WORD wise (sequences seperated by blank space)


Worked on the game for the “sizzle” themed gamejam.
My game is most certainly not sizzling.
But at least I got a player moving after struggling with TileSet and TileMapLayer for way too long.
Tileset seems to be a .png file that provides seperated sprites to be used for repeating patterns aka tiles.
TileMapLayer takes the art from a TileSet and give it important properties like Physics for collisions so a character does not fall through the floor.
Also important, they allow selecting tiles to then paint into the scene.

After painting some basic tiles I borrowed from, I added some basic player movement for jumping and moving left and right.
Took me a few minutes to find Input.is_action_pressed again in the docs.
Once I did though, I then ran into a new problem.
I forgot about gravity.


screenkey is a cool tool to record keys being entered.
Learned about it from the Primeagen.

Thanks for reading!